About Us

Mark Kubiniec – Owner
Mark is a community activist who left the world of community planning to become a business owner and community developer.
After earning his BA in Environmental Design from UB, Mark worked on construction management projects across the U.S.
Like many Buffalonians, he returned home to Western New York to be closer to family where he worked on weatherization and housing programs.
Mark also worked on business development and planning projects for the Broadway-Fillmore Business District including the famous Broadway Market
In 1952 – the days of Hudsons, DeSotos, Nashes and Studebakers – Joseph S. Modica opened Joe’s Service Center on the corner of Amherst and Elmwood where it still stands today.
Joe (yes, this is the original Joe) ran the business until his retirement in 1995 when his son, Dr. Joseph Modica Jr., a dentist, ran the business while also running his practice.
Mark purchased Joe’s Service Center from the Modica family in 2003.
Mark quickly improved the business by:
- Installing new pumps, canopies and fuel tanks.
- Expanding the snack shop inventory.
- Extending operating hours.
- Adding more staff.
Other improvements to the business and immediate environment included:
- Landscaping the pump islands.
- Hanging plants in the store.
- Planting trees on Elmwood to beautify the neighborhood with the help of student volunteers from nearby McKinley High School and donations from customers.
Community Development Work
As the business prospered, Mark invested in the community by buying several mixed use properties in the Grant Street area, bringing them up to code and securing new tenants.
He worked to establish the annual Elmwood Avenue Festival of the Arts which is held every August. Mark also helped start the Grant-Amherst Street Parade and Festival.
While head of the Grant Amherst Business Association, he worked as part of the team to bring in new art studios, crafts people and restaurants to sections of Amherst Street between Grant and Elmwood.
He has also put his environmental background to good use, serving as head of the Scajaquada Canoe Club and leading regular volunteer clean-up efforts of the creek which runs through the neighborhood.
Our Values
Our business is based on a core set of values.